Class of March 25, 2023

Larry Johnston

Peter Gordon

Frederick Hillman

Ryan Jackson

Raymond Jacob

Robert Kruger

Dillon Kohbander

Gregory Morilla

We had an excellent reunion with several Brothers in attencdance, filling the sidelines and witnessing the making of EIGHT new "Masters of the Royal Secret".

The 4th Degree, Secret Master, under the direction of Bro. Robert Cox, 32° started promptly at 7:30 AM.

There were 5 White Hats, 7 Red Hats and 13 Black hats in attendance.

The 5th trhough the 13 Degrees were then communicated by Bro. James Chaffin, 32° KCCH.

The 14th Degree, Perfect Elu, under direction of Bro. David Windmiller, 32° was attended by 4 White Hats, 6 Red Hats and 10 Black Hats.

The 15th, 16th and 17th Degrees were again communicated by Bro. James Chaffin, 32° KCCH.

The 18th Degree, Knight of the Rose Croix, under the direction of Bro. Richard Hidde 32° started on time with 4 White Hats, 6 Red Hats and 13 Black Hats.

The reunion then paused for lunch.

An enjoyable lunch of delicious Ham or Turkey sandwiches on generous sized rolls, accompanied by sliced cheese, tomatoes, dill pickles and "Slaw".

Following lunch, the 19th through the 29th Degrees were again communicated by Bro. James Chaffin, 32° KCCH.

The 30th Degree, Knight Kadosh, under direction of Bro. Dana Oldenburg, 32° KCCH was attended by 5 White Hats, 5 Red Hats and 15 Black Hats.

The 32 Degree, Master of the Royal Secret, under direction of Bro. Michael Gaudiosi, 32° was attended by 6 White Hats, 6 Red Hats and 12 Black Hats.

The Consecration Ceremony, led by Ill. Shollenberger completed the 2023 Spring Reunion of the Ocala Valley, Scottish Rite.