Brother Edward Mayfield, 32°., KCCH, General Secretary of the Valley of Ocala, FL
Born in Jackson, TN on 30 November 1940, he attended school in Nashville, TN, graduating from East Nashville Senior High in May of 1958. He then joined the United States Air Force in January 1959 and attended Basic Training and Personnel Specialist Tech School at Lackland AFB, Texas. He then served in Morocco and Japan prior to separating from the service, when in May 1962, while living in Nashville, he re-enlisted in the Air Force and was stationed at Keesler AFB, MS, Carswell AFB, Texas, Vietnam, Hickam AFB, Hawaii and Randolph AFB, TX where he went to night school and the Bootstrap Commissioning Program and obtained his BA Degree and was commissioned a 2nd LT in the USAF. As an Officer, he served in the following capacities and units: Administrative Officer, Squadron Commander, Missile Combat Crew Commander and Chief of Services at Tinker AFB, OK; Barksdale AFB, LA; Little Rock AFB, AR; and Pease AFB, NH until retiring after with 25 1/2 years of service on 1 July 1984. Subsequently, he obtained his Masters Degree in Business/Public Administration from Webster University.
After retirement from the Air Force, he settled in Norman OK and attended East Central University, studying Environmental Science, before applying for, and selected to be, a Circuit Rider City Manager in OK. He later served as City Manager for Blanchard, OK and Pauls Valley, OK.
His Masonic history is: He was Initiated, Passed and Raised in Blanchard, OK, Masonic Lodge in 1990. After moving to The Villages, Florida in 2003, he affiliated with the Villages Masonic Lodge No. 394, where he served as Worshipful Master in 2012, then District Masonic Education Committeeman in 2013, District Deputy Grand Master for M∴ W∴ Jim Ford in 2014, then District Instructor again in 2015 and 2016. He joined Scottish Rite in 2007 and was honored with his selection as KCCH in 2015, having served the Valley of Ocala, Florida as Master of the Kadosh, Venerable Master of the KSA and Director of the Work, prior to being appointed on 1 March 2020 to be the Valley General Secretary by ILL and M∴ W∴ Richard . Hoover, 33° PGM of Florida, and current Deputy of the Supreme Council for Florida for Scottish Rite.