Ocala Scottish Rite

Illustrious James D. Cole, 33°
Sovereign Grand Commander

My appologies for the missing photo's. If you are among the "missing", please send me a "selfi".

Illustrious Richard Hoover, 33°
Deputy to the Supreme Council

Illustrious Ralph Shollenberger, 33°
Personal Representative

Bro. Edward Mayfield, 32nd°., KCCH
General Secretary

Bro. Robert F. Farnell Sr., 32° KCCH

Ill. Earl Hancock, 33°
Director of the Work

Ill. Robert Moynahan, 33°

Knight Commander Knights of St. Andrew Reunions Newsletter Southern Jurisdiction
Foundation Bodies Bahia Shrine Photos
12th Masonic District 14th Masonic District 15th Masonic District Friendship Lodge No. 53 Villages Lodge No. 394
Villages Shrine Club Nature Coast Wildwood Lodge No. 92 Contact Information Web Master
December 2020